
Sven Görlich
Sven Görlich was born in Merseburg, Germany and raised in East-Berlin. He attended the Children and Youth School of Sports as a swimmer and was introduced to photography through his freelance job as a model. After fleeing East-Germany, he studied the german language and literature, as well as philosophy in West-Berlin. He worked as a lifeguard, waiter and photo assistant for Ute Mahler as well as a location scout and production & directors assistant for film advertising. Since 2000, he is globally engaged solely as a freelance photographer, with a focus on people, advertising and reports. As of 2010, he has been a guest lecturer at the New School for Photography Berlin. Sven Görlich has a son and a daughter and lives in Berlin.
Aktion Mensch, ABM Amro Bank, Apple, Apollinaris, Aral, Arla, Bayer, Beck’s, Bonny & Ried, Bongrain, Bosch, Braun, Brita, Cewe, Cisco, Crèdit Suisse, Coca Cola, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Bank, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Dusch Das, DVAG, eBay, Elle, Eckes-Granini, Ferrero, Fischer, Fit For Fun, Focus, Frankfurter Allgemeine Magazin, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Fri:day, Gala, Garnier, Gillette, Glamour, Hasseröder Beer, Heinz, Henkel, Ikea, Ingdiba, International Herald Tribune, Jacobs, Langnese, LG, Lenor, Lichtfokus, Lindt, Lux, Maggi, Mastercard, McDonald’s, Milka, Mövenpick, Mozilla, Neon, Nerf Fashion, Nestea, Nestlé, New York Times, Nivea, Opel, L’Oréal, Otto, Ouzo 12, Oreo, Pattex, Philadelphia, Philips, Pixel by Google, Postbank, ProSiebenSat1, Puky, Ramazzotti, Rotkäppchen-Mumm, Samsung, Schwäbisch Hall, Skoda, Sky/ Premiere League, Smartmobil, Société Générale, Spiegel Online, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tchibo, Telekom, Telegate, The Observer / The Guardian, Universal Music Group, Vodafone, Vogue, Vox, Wick Blau, Wilkinson Sword, Wolford, Wrigley, ZDF
Herausgeber: Sven Görlich
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